DLNA-сервер для Mac OS X. Транслируем видео с мака на...
PS3 Media Server for Mac OS X - Top Freeware The PS3 Media Server for Mac is a DLNA compliant media server that works with the UPnP format. In its original creation, it was designed to support PlayStation 3. However, it has expanded and now supports other media makers such as Samsung, Xbox 360, Pioneers, Sony and other electronic firms. Using PS3 mediaserver to stream video’s to iPhone/iPad I used PS3 Media Server 1.50.0 on Ubuntu 12.04. With the default settings all streams and conversion are done by VLC. I don’t know if you need to install VLC, mplayer and mencoder yourself but as a media geek I have them installed anyway. Then I added some shares with a couple of test videos in it. PS3 Media Server for Mac OS X 1.90.1
PS3 Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server.Because it is written in Java, PS3 Media Server supports all major operating systems, with versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. Download the latest version of PS3 Media Server free in… Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux. PS3 Media Server has been designed to make it possible to access media files stored into the computer via a PS3 device. It is not only practical but is a easy-to-use program. Key Features. PS3 Media Server 1.90.1 | Скачать бесплатно программы PS3 Media Server 1.90.1. С этой удобной программой вы смело можете использовать свою игровую приставку PS3 в качестве универсального медиа-проигрывателя. От вас не требуется большого знания компьютеров и программ, скачать PS3 Media Server можно в полной новости.
PS3 Media Server download | SourceForge.net 16/11/2013 · Because it is written in Java, PS3 Media Server supports all major operating systems, with versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. [TUTO]utiliser pleinement ps3 media server : Tutoriels 18/01/2012 · Bon, tout le monde connait PS3 Media Server ou plus connu sous le nom de PS3 MS (pour les intimes). beaucoup de personnes l'utilisent mais seulement pour … Télécharger PS3 Media Server (gratuit)
PS3 Media Server. PS3 Media Server настройка. |… PS3 Media Server — это приложение для использования PS3 в качестве DLNA совместимого мультимедиа сервера с поддержкой UPnP и возможностьюВидеокарта в этом случае значения не имеет. PS3 Media Server поддерживает любые ОС: Windows, Mac OS или Linux. PS3 Media Server download | SourceForge.net Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux. PS3 Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server. Originally written to support the PlayStation 3, PS3 Media Server has been expanded to support a range of other media renderers, including smartphones, TVs, music players and more. Free PS3 Media Server Mac OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8 Version…
Télécharger PS3 Media Server pour Windows - clubic.com